Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mini Stuffed Peppers & Stuffed Pepper Pasta

I have to admit, I hated stuffed peppers as a kid. Now, I think they are wonderful. Here is a vegetarian version. Make a big batch and then use the leftovers for a equally yummy pasta dish.


About 30 mini sweet peppers. Cleaned out and tops removed.
1/3 cup of chopped parsley
About 10 large Swiss Chard leaves.
2 cloves of garlic - microplaned
1 cup of ricotta
1/3 cup of finely grated Parmesan
1 Bottle of your favorite pasta sauce.
1 egg


Saute finely chopped greens and garlic in a tsp. of olive oil or bacon grease.
I cooked mine in the bacon pan after breakfast. lol. 
Let greens cool and then mix with ricotta,
Parmesan, parsley and one egg.
Mix well.

Dump the entire jar of pasta sauce into a deep oven safe casserole or bowl. One that has a cover is best. Line up your peppers so they are standing upright in the sauce.
Fill them with the cheese mixture and bake at 350 until fork tender and cheese mixture has set. You will have a lot of sauce leftover and if you are only feeding 3-4 people you will have plenty of peppers leftover, too.  So, the next night - make pasta!

Stuffed Pepper Pasta

Chop up remaining stuffed peppers into large chunks. Cover and refrigerate.
The next day, warm up and serve with the pasta of your choice.

1 comment :

  1. That sounds and looks so delicious. I really appreciate the photographs that you include in your blog. The photos help me to visualize the delicious final result.
